NX-07 Intrepid looking for crew
(too old to reply)
RAdm Amy DaSilva
2005-12-01 06:35:03 UTC
There are some who like to think that space is the Final Frontier. We
are of the belief that the Final Frontier is the human soul. Space is
merely the arena in which we shall meet the challenge. You are welcome
to join the crew of the NX-07 Intrepid as we help Earth and Starfleet
meet that challenge. Exploration is the key to unlocking the Final
Frontier. Come and join in the adventure of a lifetime.

The Intrepid is an "Enterprise" era sim that is part of Starfleet - The
First Era Role Play Group. SF-TFE is the Internet's first all
"Enterprise" era only RPG Group. We have been around for over three
years of active SIMming.

Recently, we lost a few crew to RL and we now have a few positions
available on the our ship, and being new to SIMming is not a problem as
The First Era has it's own Academy at which we can help you to learn how
to SIM.

Our requirements of you are as follows:

Have FUN ;)
Post at least one quality log per week
Submit a BIO for your character
Complete the SF-TFE Academy

NX-07 Intrepid has the following positions open:

Chief Armoury Officer
Chief Engineer
Communications Officer
Various enlisted positions in each department

For more information about the Jupiter Station please check out our web
site: http://nx07-intrepid.firstera.net/

If you are interested in joining please use the application form on the
website. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to
contact us.
RAdm Amy DaSilva
Fleet Commander
Starfleet: The First Era
"There is a first for Everything!!"

email: ***@zensearch.com
Citizen Toxie
2005-12-02 14:02:57 UTC
Your site causes Internet Explorer to freeze up. Well done, captain. Maybe
you need a new chief engineer.
Post by RAdm Amy DaSilva
There are some who like to think that space is the Final Frontier. We
are of the belief that the Final Frontier is the human soul. Space is
merely the arena in which we shall meet the challenge. You are welcome
to join the crew of the NX-07 Intrepid as we help Earth and Starfleet
meet that challenge. Exploration is the key to unlocking the Final
Frontier. Come and join in the adventure of a lifetime.
The Intrepid is an "Enterprise" era sim that is part of Starfleet - The
First Era Role Play Group. SF-TFE is the Internet's first all
"Enterprise" era only RPG Group. We have been around for over three
years of active SIMming.
Recently, we lost a few crew to RL and we now have a few positions
available on the our ship, and being new to SIMming is not a problem as
The First Era has it's own Academy at which we can help you to learn how
to SIM.
Have FUN ;)
Post at least one quality log per week
Submit a BIO for your character
Complete the SF-TFE Academy
Chief Armoury Officer
Chief Engineer
Communications Officer
Various enlisted positions in each department
For more information about the Jupiter Station please check out our web
site: http://nx07-intrepid.firstera.net/
If you are interested in joining please use the application form on the
website. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to
contact us.
RAdm Amy DaSilva
Fleet Commander
Starfleet: The First Era
"There is a first for Everything!!"
Ken from Chicago
2005-12-11 09:40:08 UTC
Post by Citizen Toxie
Your site causes Internet Explorer to freeze up. Well done, captain. Maybe
you need a new chief engineer.
Blame the Borg.

-- Ken from Chicago
