2005-04-24 18:13:06 UTC
The USS Warrior is the Command Ship of Task Group 6.2 in the 6th
"Zeta" Fleet. The USS Warrior is an IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
Simulation in the United Confederation of Interstellar Planets and
runs every Saturday at 11:00 PM Eastern Time in the channel
#uss-warrior on the KDFS ( network. The USS Warrior-A
bears the name of its formidable predecessor with honor. Her victories
and achievements can only be attributed to the unequaled crew that
makes her live and breathe. Their obvious loyalty, pride, dedication,
and skill have made the Warrior an award-winning part of the United
Confederation of Interstellar Planets, and Star Fleet.
Currently the Warrior is Commanded by Captain Jolias Enor, and
Executive Officer Lieutenant Commander Nikkos Tyris.
Come Join us in our Adventure today! Visit our website:
"Zeta" Fleet. The USS Warrior is an IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
Simulation in the United Confederation of Interstellar Planets and
runs every Saturday at 11:00 PM Eastern Time in the channel
#uss-warrior on the KDFS ( network. The USS Warrior-A
bears the name of its formidable predecessor with honor. Her victories
and achievements can only be attributed to the unequaled crew that
makes her live and breathe. Their obvious loyalty, pride, dedication,
and skill have made the Warrior an award-winning part of the United
Confederation of Interstellar Planets, and Star Fleet.
Currently the Warrior is Commanded by Captain Jolias Enor, and
Executive Officer Lieutenant Commander Nikkos Tyris.
Come Join us in our Adventure today! Visit our website: