Jupiter Station looking for Crew
(too old to reply)
Julie McKenzie
2005-09-13 17:38:34 UTC
"Being the best usually means having to prove it to everyone." L.H.

There are some who like to think that space is the Final Frontier. We
are of the belief that the Final Frontier is the human soul. Space is
merely the arena in which we shall meet the challenge. You are welcome
to join the crew of Jupiter Station as we help Earth and Starfleet meet
that challenge. Exploration is the key to unlocking the Final Frontier.
Come and join in the adventure of a lifetime.

Jupiter Station is an "Enterprise" era sim that is part of Starfleet -
The First Era Role Play Group. SF-TFE is the Internet's first all
"Enterprise" era only RPG Group. We have been around for over two years
as active Starbase SIM, and for a year prior to that Academy SIMming
only was taking place on Jupiter Station.

I am Commander Julie McKenzie, Executive Officer of Jupiter Station. We
have a few positions available on the our starbase, and being new to
SIMming is not a problem as The First Era has it's own Academy at which
we can help you to learn how to SIM.

Our requirements of you are as follows:

Have FUN ;)
Post at least one quality log per week
Submit a BIO for your character
Complete the SF-TFE Academy

Jupiter Station has the following positions open:

Chief Armoury Officer
Chief Engineer
Communications Officer
Various enlisted positions in each department

For more information about the Jupiter Station please check out our web
site: http://www.blankespoor.org/jupiterstation

To read some of our logs, please view our public archive at:

If you are interested in joining please use the application form on the
website. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to
contact me.
Cmdr Julie McKenzie
Executive Officer
Jupiter Station - Starfleet: The First Era
"Everything fits, otherwise we will make it fit."

2005-09-15 16:21:39 UTC
Not flamming u or making fun of you but....I wonder how many people take
this RPGing in real life? One time I was at walmart and saw the "crew" of a
starship in thier uniforms on an away mission to get snacks. . Thier mini
van even reminded me of a shutle craft. Had fins on the back...I love star
trek and all but man that is taking it to far.
Admiral T'Leia
2005-09-16 12:48:12 UTC
Where is your imagination and creativity?

I suppose you have the same feelings for those that recreate the Middle
Ages (SCA) and the Civil War. Life is what you make it and if you enjoy
life, you celebrate it anyway you choose no matter what others may say.

Starfleet International is a great worldwide charitable organization -
http://www.sfi.org/ - take a look at what you're missing and then
remember that 'crew' in uniform are actually having fun and could be
doing something good for someone in need and dammed proud of what they
are doing.

Now, I suppose I should tell you I'm not some 20 something year old
responding, I've been a 'Trekkie' since TOS and I'll be celebrating my
50th birthday next year. So I've lived my life to the fullest and
enjoyed it all the way for the past 33+ years in both the simming
community and actual roleplay.

I say this with utmost respect and sincerity... get out, be crazy and
live a little... you may find out you like it too. ;)

Dif-tor heh smusma.

Admiral T'Leia,
Spartan Fleet - http://www.spartanfleet.com

"Nam-tor wak vah yut s'vesht na'fa'wak heh pla'rak. I'wak mesukh-yut
t'on." - Surak
(Time is a path from the past to the future and back again. The present
is the crossroads of both.)
2005-09-16 21:12:27 UTC
Admiral T'Leia wrote:
"Life is what you make it and if you enjoy
life, you celebrate it anyway you choose no matter what others may say.

Yes indeed. At least Trekkers (most of them) are dreaming of a better
future (and sometimes doing something about it). But to dream of
something better is to already take the first step toward realizing it.
Think of Benny Russel and the DS9 episode "Far Beyond the Stars". On
the other hand, few people seem to be concerned about seeing people in
face paint and football jerseys at Walmart. (Dreaming of a better
football future, at least for their team?)Yeah I know, OT thread. My
apologies to all for continuing it. I'll do pennance and write
something soon.
Julie McKenzie
2005-09-18 14:04:34 UTC
I don't know about anyone else, but I don't take it that far. I love
writing and have been SIMming and running SIMs since 1998. Currently I
serve as XO on Jupiter Station.

We still have a few positions free.



In message <uchWe.14692$***@fed1read07>, Anthony <***@cox.net>
Post by Anthony
Not flamming u or making fun of you but....I wonder how many people take
this RPGing in real life? One time I was at walmart and saw the "crew" of a
starship in thier uniforms on an away mission to get snacks. . Thier mini
van even reminded me of a shutle craft. Had fins on the back...I love star
trek and all but man that is taking it to far.
Cmdr Julie McKenzie
Executive Officer
Jupiter Station - Starfleet: The First Era
"Everything fits, otherwise we will make it fit."

Ken from Chicago
2005-09-28 10:51:16 UTC
Post by Julie McKenzie
I don't know about anyone else, but I don't take it that far. I love
writing and have been SIMming and running SIMs since 1998. Currently I
serve as XO on Jupiter Station.
We still have a few positions free.
Post by Anthony
Not flamming u or making fun of you but....I wonder how many people take
this RPGing in real life? One time I was at walmart and saw the "crew" of a
starship in thier uniforms on an away mission to get snacks. . Thier mini
van even reminded me of a shutle craft. Had fins on the back...I love star
trek and all but man that is taking it to far.
Cmdr Julie McKenzie
Executive Officer
Jupiter Station - Starfleet: The First Era
"Everything fits, otherwise we will make it fit."
The terms you seek are "CosPlay" and "LARP".

-- Ken from Chicago
